
Enjoy the magical effects of nature

Magic You Cosmetics is a natural cosmetics made in Latvia, containing only natural raw materials.

Each product is handmade, created with a lots of love, responsibility and good thoughts!!

About me

Hello, let's meet - my name is Madara, the founder of the Magic You Cosmetics brand!

I have always believed in the power of nature. It can heal us both mentally and physically and it is so simple and so magical! That's why to take care of my inner peace, I go for walks in nature, while taking care of my body's beauty, I have always preferred cosmetics based on ingredients of natural origin.

"Nature heals us if we give the chance."

The idea of my own cosmetic business

Since high school, I was dreaming to have my own small business and I knew and hardly believed that someday my dream would come true. The inspiration to create my own natural cosmetics brand came from my father's care - sea buckthorn. Since childhood, I had the opportunity to observe the development of sea buckthorn culture in Latvia and experience the excellent, comprehensive, and healing properties of this marvelous plant. While helping my father distribute sea buckthorn oil, I often received questions from clients how to use this oil for face and body care, as well as for procedures after sauna, etc. These questions and interest in sea buckthorn oil, prompted to start manufacturing natural cosmetics with added sea buckthorn oil (currently, about in 60% of Magic You Cosmetics products are added 100% natural sea buckthorn oil). 

From the first moment I made my own natural lip balm, I instantly fell in love with this process of creation. I still enjoy it and I create every product with lots of joy and good thoughts. And I am grateful that now I have the opportunity to pass it on to you too!

Nothing is as organized as nature and it provides us with everything we need, we just must learn to use it properly and with love against nature. 

My experience:

In 2018, I studied the "Basic Course of Preparation of Natural Cosmetics" and the course "Use of Essential Oils in Natural Cosmetics" approved by the Health Inspectorate and the Association of Cosmetologists.

In 2020, I participated in 20 online lectures for cosmetics preparation enthusiasts and professionals.

Magic You Cosmetics

"If you want something with all your heart, then everything is possible".

Magic You Cosmetics was born in 2021. early spring, while I went for a long walk in nature with my little 6 months old son. This idea about Natural Cosmetics production came so easy In my and fluently in my thoughts and also continued to develop so organically, that I felt this is a perfect time to make my dreams come true. 

A couple of months later I took the opportunity to participate in our local government's public grant competition and my project get in the final I got financial support to establish my small business and to create factory in local city Tukums. For me it was a big support to take a first steps in business developing.

Magic You

Cosmetics values


As I love simplicity in life, I want it to reflect also in cosmetics I produce and use. It's important for me that natural cosmetics are easy to understand the composition of ingredients that do not contain anything superfluous and harmful to nature and humans. With magic You Cosmetics products I want to pass it to you too!


It is important for me, that you trust Magic You Cosmetics' quality, safety, and effectiveness. The public environment is also designed in such a way that the company's activities are transparent enough for you.

Individual approach 

For Magic You Cosmetics it is important to listen to the problems that you want to solve, offering the most effective solutions. I would love to hear your feedback, and suggestions and talk to each and every one of you about how much it is possible.


Yes - joy has a cosmic power and it is contagious! You must notice that when you prepare a meal in a good mood, it turns out to be especially delicious, right? I believe that the law also works when making cosmetics. Therefore, Magic You Cosmetics products are not made in a bad mood. I add doses of joy to each product so that it works even more better for you! 

You are magic.
Nature is magic.
Enjoy the magical effects of nature!

With lots of love,
Founder of "Magic You Cosmetics" 


[email protected] 

+371 22138734 (Mon-Fri: 9:00-18:00)